General info and youth operation

Stefan Roosen, the youth director, can be reached at 0471/59.55.11 or via e-mail:

The lessons

All classes will take place on the 1st floor of the school. From 6:30 p.m., we gather in the refectory and students go to the classroom with the teacher. There is also a bar in the refectory. After class, games can be played.

GroupTrainer 2023-2024Training interval
Step 1AntoniaFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 2ClaraFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 2+MichielFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 3Christilla / StefanFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 3+LevFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 4RobinFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 5NatanFriday 18h30-19h30
Step 6(+)ReinFriday 18h30-19h30

Account info

Jeugdschaak De Dolle Toren Leuven, BE29 7350 2520 8264 EUR.

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